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<screen title="Preferences" subtitle="Use this screen to change game options" version="1.0"> <boolean id="save_current_state" value="true"/> <flags id="fmtc" value="true" /> <list id="acts"> <record text="Confirm" event_id="conf" id="conf" /> <record text="Undo Changes" event_id="sdef" id="sdef" /> <record text="Cancel" event_id="canc" id="canc" /> </list> <container class="titled_box" id="sets" title="Preferences"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/> <!-- <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical"/> --> <container class="scrolling_box"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/> <container> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0"/> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical, fill" inset="0"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0"/> <!-- Game Settings --> <widget class="table" id="tabl" mode="fill_rows" layout="-4,12,-6,-1,-8" row_span="0" row_height="23"> <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_rows" value="true"/> <list id="headings"> <record text="Game" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="5"/> </list> <record id="default_properties" alignment="left,centre_y"/> <list id="column_properties"> <record indx="1" colour="selection"/> </list> <!-- small inset from sides of table --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="2" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="3" sort_disabled="true" top="3"/> </list> <widget class="label" row="0" col="0" text="Language"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="lang" row="0" col="1" column_span="2"/> <widget class="label" row="1" col="0" text="Currency"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="curr" row="1" col="1" column_span="2"/> <widget class="label" row="2" col="0" text="Date Format[label on game settings screen]"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="dtfr" row="2" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="dd/mm/yyyy" id="0"/> <record text="mm/dd/yyyy" id="1"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="3" col="0" text="Wages"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="wage" row="3" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="Weekly" id="1"/> <record text="Monthly" id="2"/> <record text="Yearly" id="3"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="4" col="0" text="Temperature"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="tmps" row="4" col="1" column_span="2"/> <widget class="label" row="5" col="0" text="Height[COMMENT - preferences screen; height label]"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="heip" row="5" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="Centimetres[COMMENT - height option on preferences screen]" id="1"/> <record text="Metres[COMMENT - height option on preferences screen]" id="2"/> <record text="Feet[COMMENT - height option on preferences screen]" id="3"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="6" col="0" text="Weight[COMMENT - preferences screen; height label]"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="weip" row="6" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="Kilograms[COMMENT - weight option on preferences screen]" id="1"/> <record text="Pounds[COMMENT - weight option on preferences screen]" id="2"/> <record text="Stones[COMMENT - weight option on preferences screen]" id="3"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="7" col="0" text="Processing Fixtures"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="pmod" row="7" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="Fastest (Can't Interrupt)" id="0"/> <record text="Faster (Less Responsive)" id="1"/> <record text="Slower (More Responsive)" id="2"/> <record text="Slowest (Play In Background)" id="3"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="8" col="0" text="Auto Save"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="save" select_event="asmd" row="8" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="Disabled" id="0"/> <record text="Every Day" id="1"/> <record text="Every Week" id="2"/> <record text="Every Fortnight" id="7"/> <record text="Every Month" id="3"/> <record text="Every Three Months" id="4"/> <record text="Every Year" id="5"/> <record text="Every Five Years" id="6"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="9" col="0" text="Continue Game Timeout"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="time" row="9" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="Disabled" id="-1"/> <record text="Instant" id="0"/> <record text="2 Seconds" id="2"/> <record text="5 Seconds" id="5"/> <record text="10 Seconds" id="10"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="10" col="0" text="News Ticker Level"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="ntmc" row="10" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="Disabled[COMMENT: News Ticker Level]" id="12000"/> <record text="Worldwide Only[COMMENT: News Ticker Level]" id="7000"/> <record text="Continental & Above[COMMENT: News Ticker Level]" id="6250"/> <record text="National & Above[COMMENT: News Ticker Level]" id="5250"/> <record text="Regional & Above[COMMENT: News Ticker Level]" id="4250"/> <record text="Local & Above[COMMENT: News Ticker Level]" id="3500"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="11" col="0" text="News Ticker Display"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="ntdt" row="11" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="1 Second[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="1"/> <record text="2 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="2"/> <record text="3 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="3"/> <record text="4 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="4"/> <record text="5 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="5"/> <record text="6 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="6"/> <record text="7 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="7"/> <record text="8 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="8"/> <record text="9 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="9"/> <record text="10 Seconds[COMMENT: length of time news ticker events are displayed]" id="10"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="check_box" clke="erat" id="eras" row="0" col="4" text="Rolling Autosave"/> <widget class="check_box" clke="icst" id="icsv" row="1" col="4" text="Incremental Save"/> <widget class="check_box" id="sagc" row="2" col="4" text="Compress Save Games[COMMENT: option label: save game in compressed format]"/> <widget class="check_box" id="thrd" row="5" col="4" text="Threading"/> <widget class="check_box" id="mmtv" row="7" col="4" text="Move Matches for TV"/> <widget class="check_box" id="emhy" row="8" col="4" text="Enable Media Hyperlinks"/> <widget class="check_box" id="ntlp" row="9" col="4" text="News Ticker Loop"/> <!-- <widget class="check_box" id="sctm" row="10" col="4" text="Screenshot Ticker Messages[COMMENT: debug only don't translate this]"/> --> <!-- <widget class="check_box" id="vido" row="4" col="4" text="Show agent video"/> --> </widget> <!-- display settings --> <widget class="table" id="disp" mode="fill_rows" layout="-4,12,-6,-1,-8" row_span="0" stretch_to_fit_rows="true"> <boolean id="fixed_size_rows" value="false"/> <boolean id="auto_size_rows" value="true"/> <list id="headings"> <record text="Display" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="5"/> </list> <list id="column_properties"> <record indx="1" colour="selection"/> <record indx="2" spec="text" colour="selection" /> <record indx="4" auto_size="vertical"/> </list> <!-- small inset from sides of table --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="2" sort_disabled="true" top="4" bottom="5"/> <record indx="3" sort_disabled="true" top="3"/> <record indx="4" sort_disabled="true" top="4" bottom="4"/> </list> <!-- skin properties --> <widget class="label" row="0" col="0" text="Skin"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="skin" row="0" col="1" column_span="2" sele="skms" hint="Select a skin from the drop down to change the appearance of the interface"/> <widget class="label" row="1" col="0" text="Author" /> <widget class="text" row="1" col="2" id="skat" hint="The creator of the selected skin" auto_size="vertical"/> <widget class="label" row="2" col="0" text="Version" /> <widget class="text" row="2" col="2" id="skve" text="qaz" hint="Skin version" auto_size="vertical"/> <widget class="label" row="3" col="0" text="Website" /> <widget class="text" row="3" col="2" id="skde" auto_size="vertical"/> <widget class="label" row="6" col="0" text="Recent Folders List[COMMENT: preferences: recent folder history label]" /> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="refo" row="6" col="1" column_span="2" hint="Choose how many recent folders the file dialog remembers[COMMENT: preferences: recent folder history hint]"> <list id="items"> <record id="5" text="5" /> <record id="10" text="10" /> <record id="20" text="20" /> <record id="40" text="40" /> </list> </widget> <widget class="check_box" id="pavt" row="0" col="4" text="Display Graphical Attributes In Profile[COMMENT: show graphical or numerical attributes in player/staff profiles]" hint="Choose whether you want to display numerical or graphical attributes in player and staff profiles[COMMENT: numerical or graphical attributes in profiles - hint]" /> <widget class="check_box" id="shpp" row="1" col="4" text="Show Player Pictures" hint="Choose whether or not to display player pictures on their profile screen"/> <!-- THIS NEEDS IMPLEMENTING TOO --> <widget class="check_box" id="shlg" row="2" col="4" text="Show Badges / Logos" hint="Choose whether or not to display logos on the title panel"/> <widget class="check_box" id="bgpc" row="3" col="4" text="Show Background Pictures"/> <widget class="check_box" id="uniq" row="4" col="4" text="Show Unique Ids"/> <widget class="check_box" id="full" row="5" col="4" text="Full Screen" hint="Run in full screen mode"/> <widget class="check_box" id="cach" row="6" col="4" text="Use Skin Cache[COMMENT: skin preference: use the skin cache]" hint="Don't rebuild the skin cache[COMMENT: skin preference tooltip]"/> </widget> <!-- sound settings --> <widget class="table" id="soun" mode="fill_rows" layout="-4,12,-6,-1,-8" row_span="0" row_height="23"> <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_rows" value="true"/> <record id="default_properties" alignment="left,centre_y"/> <list id="headings"> <record text="Sound" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="5"/> </list> <list id="column_properties"> <record indx="1" colour="selection"/> <record indx="3" colour="selection"/> </list>. <!-- small inset from sides of table --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="2" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="3" sort_disabled="true" top="3"/> </list> <widget class="label" row="0" col="0" text="Sound Cache"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="sdca" row="0" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="None" id="0"/> <record text="Smart" id="1"/> <record text="All" id="2"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="check_box" id="psnd" row="0" col="4" text="Play Sounds"/> </widget> <!-- Server Settings --> <widget class="table" id="svpn" mode="fill_columns, fill_rows" layout="-4,12,-6,-1,-8" row_height="23" row_span="0"> <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_rows" value="true"/> <record id="default_properties" alignment="left,centre_y"/> <list id="headings"> <record text="Network/Internet" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="5"/> </list> <list id="column_properties"> <record indx="1" colour="selection"/> </list> <!-- small inset from sides of table --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="2"/> </list> <!-- Server Name --> <widget class="label" text="Server Name" row="0" col="0"/> <widget class="edit_box" id="svnm" text="Little Red" row="0" col="2"> <attachment kind="mxln" lgth="50"/> </widget> <!-- Password --> <widget class="label" text="Password" row="1" col="0" /> <widget class="edit_box" id="pswd" text="" row="1" col="2"> <attachment kind="mxln" lgth="19"/> </widget> <!-- force continue % --> <widget class="label" text="Force Continue" row="2" col="0"/> <widget class="check_box" clke="frtg" id="fren" row="2" col="2" text="Enabled[COMMENT - forced continue enabled option on preferences screen]"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="frc%" row="3" col="1" column_span="3"/> <!-- force continue timeout --> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="frcd" row="4" col="1" column_span="3"> <list id="items"> <record text="30 Seconds" id="30"/> <record text="1 Minute" id="60"/> <record text="2 Minutes" id="120"/> <record text="3 Minutes" id="180"/> <record text="4 Minutes" id="240"/> <record text="5 Minutes" id="300"/> </list> </widget> <!-- Run As Server --> <widget class="check_box" id="stsv" row="0" col="4" text="Run As Server"/> </widget> <!-- EDT FILE SETTINGS --> <widget class="table" id="eedt" layout="-1" mode="fill_rows" auto_size_rows="true" row_span="0"> <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_rows" value="true"/> <record id="default_properties" alignment="left,centre_y"/> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"/> </list> <!-- headings --> <list id="headings"> <record> <string value="Extra Data Files (EDT)"/> </record> </list> <!-- column display properties --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"> <flags id="id" value=".edt"/> </record> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true"/> </list> </widget> <!-- DDT FILE SETTINGS --> <widget class="table" id="dddt" layout="-1" mode="fill_rows" auto_size_rows="true" row_span="0"> <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_rows" value="true"/> <record id="default_properties" alignment="left,centre_y"/> <!-- headings --> <list id="headings"> <record> <string value="Keep Players Data Files (DDT)"/> </record> </list> <!-- column display properties --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"> <flags id="id" value=".ddt"/> </record> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true"/> </list> </widget> <!-- Info Output Settings --> <widget class="table" id="prfl" mode="fill_rows" layout="-4,12,-6,-1,-8" row_height="23" row_span="0"> <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_rows" value="true"/> <record id="default_properties" alignment="left,centre_y"/> <list id="headings"> <record indx="0" text="Info Output" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="5"/> </list> <list id="column_properties"> <record indx="1" colour="selection" alignment="left,centre_y"/> </list> <!-- small inset from sides of table --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true" top="3"/> <record indx="2" sort_disabled="true"/> </list> <widget class="check_box" id="ospi" row="0" col="2" text="Output Speed Info"/> <widget class="check_box" id="psen" row="1" col="2" text="Process Stats Enabled"/> <widget class="check_box" id="csen" row="2" col="2" text="Output Comp Stats"/> </widget> <!-- Debug Settings --> <widget class="table" id="dbug" mode="fill_rows" layout="-4,12,-6,-1,-8" row_height="23" row_span="0"> <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_rows" value="true"/> <record id="default_properties" auto_size="true" alignment="left,centre_y"/> <list id="headings"> <record indx="0" text="Debug" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="5"/> </list> <list id="column_properties"> <record indx="1" colour="selection"/> </list> <!-- small inset from sides of table --> <list id="column_display_properties"> <record indx="0" sort_disabled="true"/> <record indx="1" sort_disabled="true" top="3"/> <record indx="2" sort_disabled="true"/> </list> <widget class="label" row="0" col="0" text="Transfers" colour="selection"/> <widget class="label" row="1" col="0" text="Chairman Type"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="ushe" row="1" col="1" column_span="2" mode="0x00180000"> <list id="items"> <record text="Normal" id="0"/> <record text="Seller" id="1"/> <record text="Buyer" id="2"/> <record text="Ambitious" id="3"/> <record text="Cautious" id="4"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="label" row="2" col="0" text="Contract Negotiation System"/> <widget class="subtle_popup" id="dcns" row="2" col="1" column_span="2"> <list id="items"> <record text="System A" id="1"/> <record text="System B" id="2"/> <record text="System C" id="3"/> </list> </widget> <widget class="check_box" id="xfer" row="3" col="2" text="Enable Transfers"/> <widget class="check_box" id="xfwd" row="4" col="2" text="Enable Transfer Windows"/> <widget class="label" row="0" col="4" text="Media" colour="selection"/> <widget class="check_box" id="mecw" row="1" col="4" text="Enable Comments"/> <widget class="check_box" id="ricw" row="2" col="4" text="Read In Media Comments"/> <widget class="check_box" id="schw" row="3" col="4" text="Send Comments To All Humans"/> <widget class="check_box" id="sacs" row="4" col="4" text="Show All Comments"/> <widget class="check_box" id="eccs" row="5" col="4" text="Error Check Comments"/> <widget class="check_box" id="trfl" row="6" col="4" text="Translation Flood"/> <widget class="label" row="7" col="2" text="Match" colour="selection"/> <widget class="check_box" id="mten" row="8" col="2" text="Match Engine (All)"/> <widget class="check_box" id="mtsc" row="9" col="2" text="Match Engine (Own)"/> <widget class="check_box" id="frnd" row="10" col="2" text="Enable Friendlies"/> <widget class="label" row="7" col="4" text="Game" colour="selection"/> <widget class="check_box" id="ntfw" row="8" col="4" text="Send News To File"/> <widget class="check_box" id="rgen" row="9" col="4" text="Enable Regeneration"/> <widget class="check_box" id="smps" row="10" col="4" text="Simulate Player Stats"/> <widget class="check_box" id="mtfw" row="11" col="4" text="Send Morale To File"/> <widget class="check_box" id="wtfw" row="12" col="4" text="Send Wages To File"/> <widget class="check_box" id="gcdw" row="13" col="4" text="Game Cycle Debug"/> <widget class="check_box" id="usww" row="14" col="4" text="Update Shortlists Weekly"/> <widget class="check_box" id="dudw" row="15" col="4" text="Double Update Days"/> </widget> </container> </container> <!-- gbox inside sbox --> </container> </screen>